Where do I start… Honestly, it’s been a rough few months.  On Saturday, September 3rd 2021 I came into contact with someone who was sick as I result I ended up in the hospital and was tested positive for COVID-19.  This is my journey to start living again. On Thursday September 9th, 2021, I started not feeling well. I have allergies, so naturally I thought my allergies were affecting me. Not to mention my cycle had started, so I really wasn’t feeling well. I had a fever, but didn’t think much of it.  I went to bed and woke up feeling much better the next day and the following day as well. I felt off but nothing I couldn’t handle.  On Sunday September 12th, 2021, I took a nap with my son and woke up unable to breathe. My first instinct was to take a bath. As I’m in the…

Welcome Back! Last week I posted part 1 of Why is brand strategy important.  Let’s dive into part two. To recap, a brand strategy is the core element of your brand/business. It encompasses several different elements such as, your mission, your brand identity, your brand values and what makes you different from the competition. A brand strategy is a strategic plan of action that will help you efficiently reach your goals as a business owner or entrepreneur. Like I’ve said before, without a roadmap and a solid plan, your foundation is going to crumble. If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail. Related Post: Why is brand strategy so important? Part 1 Having a strategic foundation will help you grow your business from a place of clear understanding. Without a strong strategic message that aligns with your goals everything will be discombobulated and confusing. You should share your…

I have separation anxiety. Honestly, I never thought I would experience it. Before the pandemic I was ready to dive back into childcare work full-time with a newborn baby. I was offered a job 3 weeks postpartum and I was ready to go. But I guess even then I had it and didn’t really realize it. It wasn’t until Phoenix was 4 months old that I realized I had separation anxiety. I think a big part of it stems from not trusting anyone with him because they didn’t understand and still don’t understand who his dad and I are as people and they do not understand my culture. It wasn’t until I was pregnant and after Phoenix was born that I also realized I was the “stable” friend. The one everyone could rely on, the friend who would babysit and come through at the last minute. It also made me…

Day 9 Green Smoothie A part from being healthy, pomegranates are delicious. Pomegranates also have antioxidant, antiviral and antitumor properties. They are said to be good sources of vitamins, since it includes vitamin A, C and E, as well as folic acid. Mother nurture’s all natural vitamin. If you don’t like pomegranate or it’s not in season, you can use cranberry instead. After all, half a cup of cranberries contains only 25 calories! The health benefits of consuming cranberries include lowered risk of urinary tract infections, prevention of certain types of cancer, improved immune function, decreased blood pressure and more. Pomberry Green Smoothie Ingredients 2 Cups Fresh Spinach 2 Cups Water 1/2 Cup blueberry 1/2 Cup Raspberry 1 Cup Pomegranate 2 tbsp honey, optional Directions Blend spinach and water together until smooth. Next, add remaining ingredients and blend again. Side note: If you don’t like pomegranate seed, use pomegranate juice…

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