Where do I start… Honestly, it’s been a rough few months.  On Saturday, September 3rd 2021 I came into contact with someone who was sick as I result I ended up in the hospital and was tested positive for COVID-19. 

This is my journey to start living again.

On Thursday September 9th, 2021, I started not feeling well. I have allergies, so naturally I thought my allergies were affecting me. Not to mention my cycle had started, so I really wasn’t feeling well. I had a fever, but didn’t think much of it. 

I went to bed and woke up feeling much better the next day and the following day as well. I felt off but nothing I couldn’t handle. 

On Sunday September 12th, 2021, I took a nap with my son and woke up unable to breathe. My first instinct was to take a bath. As I’m in the bath my breathing becomes harder. I called my partner and told him I needed to go to the hospital. We were 5 minutes from the hospital so I arrived in no time. 

I checked in the hospital and I had a fever of 103+. After talking with the doctor, they gave me Tylenol to bring my temperature down and my breathing was getting a little better. 

As the doctors and nurses came into the room, I was given a Covid test and it came back positive. 

I was given a chest xray which also came back normal. 

After they took my blood and ran a few tests, it was confirmed I had covid and I was sent home to quarantine and get better. They gave me a device to check on my oxygen levels and told me if the number dropped below 93 I should come back to the hospital. 

My partner jumped into action setting me up in my room and took over caring for our household 100%. Having a toddler and being sick isn’t easy. Now we had to worry about whether our son and my partner had covid too. 

On Monday, September 13th, 2021 I was doing good but my breathing seems to be getting harder. I felt weak and I was unable to get out of bed. By that night I felt like I was starting to grasp for air. 

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021 I struggled a lot. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to check my oxygen levels because our son broke the devices. Toddlers. Tuesday night I wasn’t able to sleep because I couldn’t breathe. I was taking very shallow breaths and I could barely walk to the bathroom. 

I picked up the phone and called my partner who’s in the next room and told him I needed to go back to the hospital because I wasn’t able to fully breathe. Of course we have our son to think about and I’m so grateful Phoenix is a very good baby. 

Early Wednesday Morning, September 15th, 2021 we arrived at the hospital and I’m barely breathing. I felt like I was going to pass out and I could barely talk. I was put into a room immediately and placed on oxygen. 

Everything happened so fast. 

My partner and our son had to leave and that was the last time I saw them for a week. 

After being put on oxygen, I was able to catch my breath but it was still very hard. 

Doctors and nurses came in, took my blood, hooked up my IV and did another Chest x-ray and It was confirmed I have Covid Pneumonia.  

At this point everything was a struggle. I couldn’t walk to the bathroom without gasping for air. I couldn’t turn over. I was unable to move. I sat in my hospital bed feeling extremely weak. 

I was admitted to the hospital and my journey with covid pneumonia began. 

I was given an injection into my belly every 24 hours to help prevent blood clots from forming. As the days went by I had to start getting it every 12 hours. 

I was hooked up to so many IVs and a heart rate monitor plus wearing an oxygen mask. My fever would spike and I was having killer headaches. My eyes were hurting me to the point I had to get a prescription for eye drops. 

My whole face hurt. 

Thursday, September 16th, 2021 my breathing got so bad I was delirious. I couldn’t stay awake. I couldn’t talk or eat. 

My whole body started to ache and my legs started to feel numb and in pain. Doctors were worried I might have had a blood clot in my leg. I had to get an EKG and CT chest scan.

No blood clots were found. 

However, one of my blood tests came back saying that my Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) levels were super high. 

What is a creatine kinase (CK) test?

This test measures the amount of creatine kinase (CK) in the blood. CK is a type of protein, known as an enzyme. It is mostly found in your skeletal muscles and heart, with lesser amounts in the brain. Skeletal muscles are the muscles attached to your skeleton. They work with your bones to help you move and give your body power and strength. Heart muscles pump blood in and out of the heart.

There are three types of CK enzymes:

  • CK-MM, found mostly in skeletal muscles
  • CK-MB, found mostly in the heart muscle
  • CK-BB, found mostly in brain tissue

A small amount of CK in the blood is normal. Higher amounts can mean a health problem. Depending on the type and level of CK found, it can mean you have damage or disease of the skeletal muscles, heart, or brain.

I was immediately given fluids to help bring my levels down. 

My breathing has gotten so bad at this point that standing up was hard. 

Then came the coughing which made everything worse. 

Friday, September 17th, 2021 I tried using the bathroom which is literally beside my bed. I found that whenever I drank water while standing up before sitting back down helped with breathing. I developed a little routine to help my breathing process and drinking plenty of water helped A LOT. 

After using the bathroom I sat down and went into a coughing fit that made me throw up. 

I honestly don’t even know what came out but it was gross. It wasn’t food, it was a thick golden looking mucus. It was the only time I threw up. 

My doctor came into the room and basically told me I was getting worse and it was going to be like this for a while.

I broke down and started crying. It was the first time I started feeling hopeless.  I missed my baby. I missed my partner. I wanted to go home. I was so tired and drained. 

The medication they had me on tasted nasty. I was nauseous every day. I had to get nausea meds before my breakfast and lunch. 

My arms were sore and bruised from blood being drawn and having multiple IVs. I was fatigued. I haven’t shower in days. I felt hopeless. I was extremely tired and depressed. 

Saturday, September 18th, 2021 I woke up and told myself I needed to go home and I needed to get better. I got up, did my daily routine of brushing my teeth, having my hospital bird bath and ordered breakfast. 

I sat in bed and started making a plan. 

I’ve been at a standstill for so long that I stopped living. I told myself from here on out I was going to live life to the fullest. I thought about what if I should die, how my son was going to be cared for. How was my partner going to manage on his own? 

There are so many things I needed to get in order that I’ve been putting off. I woke up Saturday and told myself… TRUDY GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. 

Saturday night I was able to enjoy my dinner and my breathing was getting better. 

Sunday, September 19th, 2021 I woke up and I was able to breathe better. However, my magnesium levels were off. 

What is a magnesium blood test?

A magnesium blood test measures the amount of magnesium in your blood. Magnesium is a type of electrolyte. Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are responsible for many important functions and processes in your body.

Your body needs magnesium to help your muscles, nerves, and heart work properly. Magnesium also helps control blood pressure and blood sugar.

Most of your body’s magnesium is in your bones and cells. But a small amount is found in your blood. Magnesium levels in the blood that are too low or too high can be a sign of a serious health problem.

What is it used for?

A magnesium blood test is used to check the level of magnesium in your blood. Levels that are too low are known as hypomagnesemia or magnesium deficiency. This is more common than levels that are too high, which is called hypermagnesemia.

A magnesium blood test is also sometimes included with tests of other electrolytes, such as sodium, calcium, potassium, and chloride.

Why do I need a magnesium blood test?

Your health care provider may order a magnesium blood test if you have symptoms of low magnesium or high magnesium levels.

Symptoms of low magnesium include:

Symptoms of high magnesium include:

You may also need this test if you are pregnant. A magnesium deficiency can be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious form of high blood pressure that affects pregnant women.

In addition, your provider may order this test if you have a health problem that can cause a magnesium deficiency. These include malnutrition, alcoholism, and diabetes.

Sunday was a great day because I was starting to feel better. I had color in my face. I didn’t need my eye drops and I was able to eat 3 meals. My breathing was getting so much better,  I was able to walk to the bathroom without my oxygen mask. It was still a struggle because my legs were wobbly and I felt weak. 

I could barely lift my arms and walk but my breathing was improving and that was the most important. 

Monday, September 20th, 2021 THE DAY I WAS GOING TO GO HOME!!!

I woke up feeling great Monday and told myself I was going home. I remember my nurse coming into my room and asking me how I felt and I told her I was ready to go home. She said she would talk to the doctor and see if they can lower my oxygen levels throughout the day.

The plan was if not Monday, I would definitely go home Tuesday. But I was determined to go home Monday. 

Throughout the day my oxygen levels were lowered and I was able to breathe on my own. My nurse helped me walk around so I could get used to being back on my feet. 

I was so anxious. I knew it would’ve been late so I wasn’t going to see Phoenix until the next day. Nevertheless I was excited. 

I started making plans about all the things I was going to change and do once I got home. 

Finally my discharge papers came and I was released from the hospital at 9.30pm Monday night. 

My partner came and picked me up. Ordered me shrimp on sticks from my favorite Chinese store and I was home in my bed. 


I never took anything for granted before but this journey definitely changed me. 

When I went through my divorce I basically told myself I needed time. I stopped modeling, I stopped participating in events, I stopped going out. And life just kept happening. 

I had a miscarriage in Feb 2019 and lost my twins. Doctors told me having kids was going to be hard for me. That was my 6th miscarriage. After various tests, I have an ovarian cyst and multiple fibroids. At one point they thought I might have had cancer. 

Then June 2019 I found out I was pregnant and It took me for a loop. I was very depressed because I wasn’t sure if this was going to be a successful pregnancy or not. Not to mention my partner and I at the time were going through a lot relationship wise. 

Being in a polyamory relationship is hard work. It’s all about communication, openness and honesty and we were trying to figure out our dynamic on top of expecting a baby. 

Then I lost my job in December 2019. I went from being a full time childcare worker to part time self-employed. Being a childcare worker was the majority of my income and that was gone. I was 8 months pregnant and depressed not knowing what was going to happen. Thank heaven, I saved and budget, but it was still rough

Feb 2020 Phoenix was born and then March we went right into lockdown. 

It’s been one crazy journey after the other. I haven’t been living. Just surviving. 

But I’ve had some good moments throughout this journey. 

Phoenix being born reconnected me with my mom whom I haven’t spoken to for over 6 years. 

I was able to re-brand my catering business and become full time self employed 

My non-profit organization ITAVFoundation is doing well. 

And my partner and I launched two new businesses together.  

We got engaged and married. We have 2 amazing children (missing my bonus son) and we’re communicating better than ever. 

I’ve been home for a week now and some days are harder but everyday is a journey I’m grateful for. I told myself I would stop procrastinating. Stop surviving and start living and that’s exactly what I’m doing. 

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