Let’s not over complicate things. It’s ok if you do not know what a position statement is, that’s why you’re here so you can gain the knowledge you need. Brand positioning is all about how you relate to other businesses in your market. It is the anchor of your brand strategy and how you express what makes you stand out. 

A positioning statement is a short description of your product or service and how it fulfills a particular need of your market. It’s a short and sweet statement of why people should work with you. It is the most concise representation of what makes up your brand strategy. 

Positioning statement is a clear vision of your brand. It gives your target audience the ability to understand your business at first glance. Why should they buy your product or work with you? 

Your positioning statement should clearly articulate these factors 

Who you are

Who do you serve

What value do you offer

What makes you different from the competition

Your positioning statement is the expression of what you want your brand/business to be known for. It is important to know where you fall when it comes to your competitors. 


  1. Nike Positioning Statement: For athletes in need of high-quality, fashionable athletic wear, Nike provides customers with top-performing sports apparel and shoes made of the highest quality materials. Its products are the most advanced in the athletic apparel industry because of Nike’s commitment to innovation and investment in the latest technologies.
  1. Thrive Market Positioning Statement: Thrive Market is an online, membership-based market making the highest quality, healthy and sustainable products available for every budget, lifestyle, and geography.
  1. Apple Positioning Statement: For individuals who want the best personal computer or mobile device, Apple leads the technology industry with the most innovative products. Apple emphasizes technological research and advancement and takes an innovative approach to business best practices — it considers the impact our products and processes have on its customers and the planet.
  1. Amazon Positioning Statement: For consumers who want to purchase a wide range of products online with quick delivery, Amazon provides a one-stop online shopping site. Amazon sets itself apart from other online retailers with its customer obsession, passion for innovation, and commitment to operational excellence.

KNOWING YOUR  POSITION. Do you know where you stand in your market? 

By knowing your position, where you stand in the market, you will be able to use your knowledge to strategically make choices about your brand/business message, marketing and so on. 

Are you unique? This is the strongest position you can have when it comes to the market. What are you doing that NO ONE ELSE is doing. What can you bring to the market that is truly yours and yours only. What makes you truly stand out. In today’s world, especially with everyone becoming an influencer and creating their businesses, finding out what truly makes you unique can be difficult. 

For me, I think Rihanna has a unique position when it comes to her market. I could be wrong but I definitely think she does. 

Are you parity? This position is more common, why? Because, anyone else in the same market as you can claim this position and already has. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. It just means you’re going to need a greater marketing and budget plan than those in the same field as you. This is where you’ll need to be seen more, heard more and capture the attention of your audience and stand out amongst your competitors. 

Is your position preemptive? Similar to parity, a preemptive position is also very common. A preemptive position lets you do something first even though someone also claimed it in your field. Not because they claim it doesn’t mean they are doing it. Being in a preemptive position gives you the ability to make your mark and own it before anyone else beats you to it. 

Having a positioning statement will help your core brand/business component. Although it’s an internal document, your positioning statement will help you understand and clearly articulate your brand’s position as well as helping your external brand identity and business planning. 

You’re probably wondering what’s the difference between a positioning statement and a mission statement. Well, I’ll touch on that in my next let’s talk entrepreneurship topic.

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