As we close-out Mental Health Awareness Month, I’m constantly reminding myself that rest is important. Taking a break is important. And saying “no” is a complete sentence and it’s important. Mental health is a part of self-care. Be good to yourself. Be patient with yourself and be kind to yourself.

Springtime! It hasn’t been feeling much like spring but that springtime energy is floating around. Lately, I’ve been getting back into my routine of working out more and making healthier choices. Less caffeine, more fruits. I’ve been fired up with working with new clients and implementing new ideas and changes to my business. As a business consultant, I’m always thinking about better ways I can serve my clients and help them succeed on their journey. May is also Mental Health Awareness which means taking more time to stop and smell the roses. It’s important to keep that in mind. There’s nothing wrong with taking a moment to break away from all that we do and take time for ourselves. Whether it’s in business or your personal life. Take a break. As I mentioned earlier, May is Mental Health Awareness Month but did you know May is also: Small Business Month…

April is one of my favorite months. I’m sure you know why, but just in case you don’t… IT’S OUR BIRTHDAY MONTH!! As well as our wedding anniversary. My birthday is April 3rd, our wedding anniversary is April 6th and Kris’ birthday is April 12th. Not to mention the back to back birthdays of our friends and families. April is a busy month for us. It’s the start of the second quarter and I’m excited. Warmer weather is coming and the islander in me cannot wait. 80 degrees weather please! Stay tuned for April updates and be sure to check out Let’s Talk Entrepreneurship for some second quarter tips. Here’s photos from last month mixer event. Thank you DSQ Photography for capturing these special moments.

ITAVFoundation and I will be continuing our partnership with Birth Babes Collective and will be hosting our annual Community Baby Shower for 2023. The Community Baby Shower will be held on May 27th, 2023 starting at 1pm. Location: TBA This event is for moms who are expecting or those who are postpartum within 3 months of giving birth. We’re collecting the following items: Diapers (size 1-3) Baby Wipes Postpartum Pads Gentle Used Baby Gears (pack n play, bouncers, bassinet, strollers & car seats) Our amazon wish list. Collecting other gentle used items such as: Breast pumps Blankets Swaddlers Baby bottles Partnerships & Sponsorships welcomed. ITAVFoundation would love to partner with local businesses and service providers to help support mom’s in need. If you’ll like to sponsor our upcoming community baby shower, email us at Donate online today.

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