As a business owner and consultant I’m constantly working on a new project. During my 1:1 consultation with clients one of the key things I like to make clear to them is the importance of project management. 

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs and business owners make on their journey is not having planning when it comes to launching or even starting a business. 

Don’t just act. Think. Plan. Launch. 

Here are a few of my project management tips 

  1. Define your project: By defining what you’re going to do or want to accomplish it will help you and your team, if you have one, be on the right track. 
  1. Scheduling: Be realistic about the timing and how long it will take. 
  1. Plan: Having a plan for anything is always important. Whenever you’re launching a new business, planning to write a book or throw a party…planning how you will accomplish these tasks is important and can save you a lot of time and money. 
  1. Communication: Communication is key, always. Knowing how to communicate with your team or investors about what you’re trying to accomplish will help everyone be clear on their task and where they stand. Communication and Planning goes hand in hand. 
  1. Collaboration: Personally, I love collaborating. Working with others with the same core values and different levels of expertise can help your project tremendously. 

You don’t need to work as a project manager to understand project management. Having the basic knowledge of management will help you on your journey as a business owner. 

Don’t overthink it. Plan it. 

After you’ve accomplished your successful project. Celebrate. 

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