No doubt running ads on my site will bring in passive income, however, it wasn’t for me.

I ran ads on my website for 1 month and I was extremely annoyed. I tried different ad pay accounts, and it just wasn’t for me. My site’s traffic made it fairly easy to earn passive income. I woke up one morning and made well over $100 overnight, simply by ads being on my site.

However, I disliked all the pop-ups on my site. Seriously, I felt like my site was now a spam account, overrun with ads. Every page I went on, was a different pop-up and even after adjusting the settings, it still didn’t make a difference.

It was a nuisance to me, and as such, I felt as though it would’ve been a nuisance to my audience.

For me, if this source of passive income was going to make my audience uncomfortable, including myself, then it wasn’t for me.

Passive income is important, but not at the risk of losing my audience and being spammed. So, after careful consideration and reviewing my options, I decided running certain ads on my site isn’t for me.

Ads that are aligned with my values are the only ads you’ll see on my site.

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