Recent singer Solange open up about her separation from her husband and the internet went into overdrive. I’ve read some comments about how people were disappointed, some people said they weren’t surprised, etc… The truth is everything she opened up about resonated with me so much because I’m also separated from husband and not many people know. Well, now you do. I recently shared with a friend that my husband and I were separated and has been for over a year now. They expressed how “disappointed” they were and how our wedding was a “waste”. No one knows the future. One of the reasons why I haven’t made a public statement about my ex-husband and I is, no one no matter how close you are to them will understand. The honest Tru-th is, I love my ex-husband and I always will. I don’t regret my life with him or the…

I previously wrote about being true to myself a while back but when my blog crashed I lost a lot of my work.  In my previous post I talked about being true to myself and not conforming to the social standards of what and who a lady should be after someone made a comment that I couldn’t be an artistic nude model and inspire people at the same time.  For a very long time, I struggled with that comment because it wasn’t the first time someone said it to me. When I first started out modeling I even created separate social media pages, designed different business cards and split myself because I wanted to help my community but also did what I loved.  Modeling was my art and helping people was my passion. So, why did I need to choose or hide parts of myself?   I had to shut the…

Recently I shared a post on my social media and I got a lot of questions in my inbox. “OMG YOU’RE POLY?” First let me say this. On my platform I share my life’s journey from my relationship, my mental health issues and my personal thoughts and experience. My platform isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. My journey is to help inspire, motivate and encourage others who might be struggling with the same issues or maybe they can relate. With that being said, if you disagree with something I say or a comment someone posts, remember to be kind always. We can all agree to disagree. I’ve expressed before how I am POLY-AMOROUS. What does Polyamorous mean? To put it simply, it means to have more than one love or multiple romantic relationships. Yes, I love more than 1 person at the same time. A lot of people have been…

It’s been a rough few months, this transition has been hard and I haven’t been able to really focus on blogging. I wanted to share a quick update. Being honored at an event last night and I had so many mixed emotions.__I hate giving speeches but I am so grateful someone thought of me and thought I deserved to be honored.__I love what I do because I love people. I am forever grateful to everyone that reads my blog, share their stories with me and those that support my causes and all that I do.__I’m constantly working on being the best version of myself and I thank you for being a part of my journey.

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