On July 31st, 2022, we lost our matriarch. My grandmother Winniefred passed. My grandmother was 89 years old, born and raised in Jamaica. I’ve talked about my relationship with my grandmother and my mother occasionally on my platforms.

Since Phoenix’s birth, the gap between our relationship began to heal. My mother and I started communicating more and form a new relationship which led to me building my relationship with my grandmother more.

My grandmother came to live in the United States permanently in 2013, I was 23 years old. Prior to her coming to live with my mom, we rarely spoke. In 2018, I talked about our bond and how honored I felt that we got the chance to spend time together and I was able to comb her hair.

During the pandemic I had to step in to help take care of her. We lived 35mins from her and my mom, it was hard most days because my husband had to be at work very early most mornings, which meant Phoenix and I had to be up at 5am most days and because he worked late we didn’t make it home until after 10pm some nights.

Trudean Haye

It was rough but watching her and Phoenix was beautiful to see. Her thick Jamaican accent and making her traditional Jamaican meals brought back memories of how we grew up in Jamaica. It was beautiful to watch her and Phoenix bond and grow together.

Trudean Haye
Trudean Haye

The first week was difficult to adjust to. Phoenix woke up each morning and would go to his great grandmother’s room looking for her.

Losing someone will always be sad. But, my grandmother lived a full life. I’m happy I was with her till the very end. The times we spend together especially her and Phoenix are precious memories and moments I will forever hold on to.

RIP Grandma Winnie

July 12th, 1933- July 30th, 2022.

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