According to Vanessa King, positive psychology expert at Action for Happiness, ‘learning can help us build confidence and a sense of self-efficacy.’

But learning something new isn’t always easy, especially when fear gets in the way. We start to question ourselves whether we are capable or if we’re going to be good at it. Even though learning something new can be scary, it can also feel liberating. 

Learning something new can build our self-confidence and self esteem. Even if you try and fail at being good at it, the fact that you try will leave you feeling positive about yourself because at the end of the day… YOU TRIED! 

I love learning new things. I love discovering new ways for improving my life and those around me. 

I love learning new things because it connects me to people. 

Trust me, you’re not the only person who’s scared of learning something new. 


I remember the day I first signed up for yoga classes. I wanted to find a new way to stay fit instead of going to the gym so yoga it was. I felt the same fear creeping inside of me that I felt with ballet. This time I was more comfortable in my own skin, I didn’t care who was watching or whether they thought I didn’t belong. 

Of course I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived at the yoga studio but I left feeling like I could take on the world. I DOMINATED THAT CLASS. 

In my head, I was my own hype man. I was so proud and confident. Needless to say, I’m an active yoga participant. (shout out to my ballet lessons) 

Even if I sucked at doing yoga, I would’ve still been happy because I tried something new and different. I would’ve kept trying new ways of working out until I found something I loved.

I love learning new recipes. Not only do I get to make exciting new food but I get to eat them. Granted not all new recipes I learn turns out great but I keep trying until I get it right. 

Whether it’s learning how to garden, sew, cook or even paint, you won’t know if you're any good if you don’t try. Knowledge is power. 

‘Learning also fuels our creativity. Ideas can come from making connections between seemingly unrelated things,’ says Vanessa King. ‘Learning something new in one area of our lives can trigger ideas in another. So curiosity and creative thinking go hand-in-hand.’

I’m curious, so I’m always learning new things daily! You should too. 

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” Earl Nightingale

Update, February 2021: Due to a server crash, I lost 80% of my blog content. At first I was extremely sad because all my comments, views and status was lost. But, I try to find the silver lining and accept that everything happens for a reason. I wrote a 31 days of self love post in 2017. Some content were able to be saved others wasn't. I chose to share what remained because it helped so many people opened up.

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