#reflection Last year February, I went into work and i knew something was wrong. I called my doctor and went straight to the hospital. They didn’t have to say anything I knew by how quiet the room was, I had lost my twins. They said I had an placenta abruption and both babes were gone.

Devastated and broken doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt.

After various doctors visit and test because this was my 6th miscarriage, they said, I would probably never be able to have kids, I needed to see a specialist, and if I did get pregnant I wouldn’t make it to full term.

Almost 1 year later after having my 6th miscarriage, I’m 39 weeks with a beautiful baby boy due in February the same month I had my miscarriage.

I don’t know why he chose me but not only did we make it to full term, this has been the best pregnancy experience I could ever asked for.

Early on I was very depressed and felt so alone because of the anxiety of the “what ifs”. At 8 weeks they said I had a threatening miscarriage but he was still there.

At 14 weeks we couldn’t hear his heartbeat but it was there on the monitor. For every visit where I felt something was wrong I held my breath until they told me he was ok.

He’s a very active babe with a very strong heartbeat. We had our moments where I felt completely broken and struggled with a lot of things emotionally and mentally but in less than 2 weeks, I’ll be meeting this life that chose me to bring him into this world face to face.

#dearphoenix you’re name holds a meaning very few will understand

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