I was 15 years old when I started my first business. I was in high school and Tru’s Creative Collection was my very first baby. I guess you could say this was the start of my journey into entrepreneurship. I knew working in the corporate world wasn’t for me. I am a creative at heart and whatever my career path was going to be, I was going to be my own boss. I just never saw myself in an office. Hence the reason I started freelance modeling and going down a more creative path with it came to my career and what I wanted to do in life.

Yes, I went to college but I soon learned that college wasn’t for me. I wanted the knowledge of being my own boss, starting my own business and at the time college wasn’t teaching entrepreneurship. I took business management but didn’t like the formula I was being taught. It wasn’t how to own, operate or run my own business but how to run someone else business. So, I became a college dropout.

Education was still important to me so despite being a college drop out, my hunger for knowledge never stopped. I sat down one day and went over what course I wanted to take in life. At 19 years old, I launched my first business brand, I became an events and wedding planner and publicist. But I didn’t just stop there. I also enrolled and got my certification as a baby nurse, a postpartum doula and childcare worker.

I needed steady and recurring income to help fund my entrepreneur dream.

I am very skilled when it came to working with children and enjoy it very much. I was a full-time nanny during the day, and a part-time entrepreneur at nights and on the weekends.

I attended various event geared toward entrepreneurship and networking. I soon realized my particular skills and utilized them. I was the youngest person in every room when it came to business and as things progressed, I knew this was my calling.

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