It’s gonna be MAY… (in my Justin Timberlake voice) 

I know,  so corny but hey, we still love it nevertheless.

May 2018, first, where did April go? I feel like April just came and went while I was on a standstill.

I’m so grateful to all those that read my blog and find inspiration and encouragement. I want to be as open with you all as much as possible because, I truly believe the more we talk about the things we are going through, we can help others.

I’ve been depressed since the new year started and it’s something I’ve been struggling with for a while. In my last post I shared "it’s okay to not be okay" but honestly It’s something I have to constantly tell myself. Some days I’m great, I feel like I can conquer the world and other days I cry non-stop. No matter what I do, I feel the weight of my emotions slowly drowning me.

I’ve also come to realization that I am still in the stage of grieve as I am still mourning my last miscarriage all while trying to process the fact that I’m going through a separation. Instead of processing it, I drove myself deeper into work and used being “busy” as my coping mechanism.

I developed writer's block because I refused to deal with the unlined reasons why I was depressed. I took the month of March and April off from writing to process these things. And even though I can finally share, I am still processing everything.

April definitely threw me for a loop and completely knocked me off my feet. But it also helped me. It was like; a missing piece of a puzzle I’ve been trying to solve and I now that I’ve found it, I can finally put the puzzle together and move on.

I’m so grateful to my village.

The people that pour into me on a daily basis.

Because without them, I don’t think I would’ve been able to make it through these last few months.

It’s so important that we surround ourselves with a village. People who share our well being and provide us with stability when we can’t provide it for ourselves.

That’s one of the reasons why I decided to start blogging again. So many people go through the same struggles and pain on a daily basis but they don’t have anyone to talk to. I want to create a village that can help and support those who need someone by their side. Someone to say, “it’s going to be okay” because it is going to be okay.

I hope, by reading my blog it helps you in some way.  

Don’t be afraid to reach out. I would love to talk to you.

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