We’re already four months into 2021. Happiest April

Which means It is also my birthday month.

Honestly, I haven’t been feeling the birthday celebration this year. So much has happened within the last year. And mentally, I’m not ready, nor am I prepared for the outside world.

Even though things are starting to progress, you could say I’m a bit traumatized. I know it may sound drastic to you but that’s how I feel.

I don’t want to be out in a group setting with people I don’t know or even friends who haven’t been social distancing.

I’ve also come to terms with the fact that I have separation anxiety when it comes to leaving Phoenix for a period of time.

I’m sure my mommy separation anxiety will pass with time but until then. Wherever I go, so does he.

Nevertheless, even though I may have the birthday blues, I appreciate all the warm wishes and gifts. Thank you guys for always inspiring and motivating me.

This month is filled with so many goodies and I cannot wait to share with you all.

April is :

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

African American Women’s Fitness Month

Black Women’s History Month

Stress Awareness Month.

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