One of the most exciting things is, hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. It’s a sign that life is there and for a second all the nervousness and doubt you have fade away.

Well, my first heartbeat appointment nearly gave me a heart attack.

Nothing can prepare you for the silentness of waiting as the doctor place the Doppler on your tummy and nothing. The tension in the room grew as she searches around and still no sound.

Fear began to creep inside my heart as she removed the device and said let’s go to the ultrasound room. I could hear the mini panic in her voice as she reassures me that sometimes it’s hard picking up the baby’s heartbeat at 12 weeks.

At 12 weeks pregnant they were unable to find my baby’s heartbeat.

As my friend and I sat in the waiting room waiting for an ultrasound, I began texting my other friends seeking reassurance that everything was OK.

It felt like forever, but we finally made it to the ultrasound room and there it was. His little heartbeat and an active fetus. At first, I wasn’t sure what I was looking at, but she showed me his beating heart and I finally could breathe again.

It was confirmed that due to my fibroids they were unable to pick up the baby’s heartbeat via Doppler.

Even though I saw it, I wanted more than anything to hear my baby’s heartbeat it wasn’t until a month and a half later I was finally able to hear his heartbeat.

As I sat in my doctor’s office and discussed the possibility that I might not hear the heartbeat via Doppler due to the fibroids, tears began to flow as soon as she placed the device on my tummy and there it was his beating heart.

She looked at me and smiled and said “Do you want to record it?” I fell in love instantly all over again.

Even though I saw his heartbeat via ultrasound, hearing it was even better.

“I never knew love had a sound”

1 Comment

  1. Beautiful. I remeber hearing our son’s heartbeat for the first time. What a great feeling and experince.

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