One of the reasons I started blogging more about entrepreneurship is, I see a lot of people transitioning from employee to entrepreneur during the pandemic but forget a few key important things on their journey. 

  1. Not changing their mindset. 

Whether you’re transitioning from employee to entrepreneur, or starting out as an entrepreneur one thing is certain, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. You are in the driver seat now with great power, comes great responsibility. *see what I did there*

  1. Lack of knowledge

Being an entrepreneur or a business owner means you never stop learning. Education is a must. Educating yourself should be #1 priority and I don’t mean just reading different books. Learning different tools, techniques and the necessary system in your industry is the greatest investment you can make as an entrepreneur. When you absorb information that resonates and start to implement it you’ll get results. 

  1. Accountability 

As an entrepreneur you now wear hats you’ve probably never worn before. You are the business owner, you are the entrepreneur and you are responsible for the clients you do and don’t get. Or the product or service you sell or don’t sell. You are now responsible for the money you make and don’t make. 

  1. Organization/Workflow 

If you do not have a process and system that allows you to achieve your brand’s objective you’re setting yourself up to fail. Creating a process and system that allows you to achieve your objectives will help you tremendously. Don’t just rely on “lucky” to help you generate your revenue. 

Most importantly, don’t forget to be gentle with yourself. Being an entrepreneur is not for the weak. Celebrate your small wins and take the time to understand your losses. 

By building and understanding your core brand foundation will help your business grow.

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