I love to read. And if you follow me on social media you’ve probably seen my amazing book collection before. Because I love to read, researching things is also something I love to do. 

As a self-published author, I had to research all the different paths to publishing. My advice to anyone who wants to become an author is to make a list of your goals. Make a plan about what kind of author you want to be and do your research. Have a budget and more importantly, do not go over your budget. 

As a business consultant and creative, I see many creatives neglect the business side of things, especially when it comes to self-publishing. They never evaluate what resource they would need to get started other than writing their book. 

Let’s talk self-publishing and what the right publishing path might be for you.

Traditional publishing.

Traditional publishing carries a lot of prestige and can get you access to media opportunities. However, when it comes to traditional publishing, you sell the rights to publish your work to a publisher and negotiate the terms with the help of an agent. Most big publishers will only look at submissions that are represented by an agent. Traditionally, the publisher also bears all the developmental costs, including editing, design, marketing, and distribution. 

Hybrid publishing.

Hybrid publishing also known as partnership publishing or author-assisted publishing is a mixture of doing it on your own and working with a traditional publisher. “Partnership publishing offers an exciting, new approach: a dynamic business model that welcomes new authors, yet brings quality and expertise and is responsive in a rapidly changing marketplace.”

List of reputable hybrid publishers 

  1. Amplify 
  2. Forbes Books
  3. Greenleaf Book Group
  4. BookBaby
  5. IdeaPress Publishing
  6.  LifeTree Media 
  7. Mascot Books
  8. Scribe Publishing

However, choosing hybrid publishing means investing money upfront for your book. The benefits, however, make going with a hybrid/partnership publisher a good choice for many authors. 

Self publishing.

Self-publishing is not for the weak. As I said before, when it comes to self-publishing, it’s very similar to being an entrepreneur. Self-publishing is not cheap, the up-front expenses can be significant when you’re creating a high-quality book. However, as a self-publishing author, you control both the process and the profits. 

Things to consider when self-publishing: 

  1. Editing 
  2. Formatting/ Design 
  3. Marketing … MAR-KET-ING
  4. ISBN

Before making a decision on your publishing path, ask yourself: 

  1. How much money do I realistically have available to spend? (Have a budget) 
  2. How much of my time can I dedicate to this? 
  3. What is the most important thing to have at the end of my publishing process?

Think about what you want to accomplish, what your goals are and what kind of author you want to be. Be honest with yourself and be realistic. 

Whatever publishing path you decide to take, remember that, life is a journey, and the most important thing is that you’re starting.

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